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While the Chennai Corporation rehauled the stormwater channels in T Nagar.

While the Chennai Corporation rehauled the stormwater channels in T Nagar, the channels are either excessively lopsided, upset gravitational progression of water, or too shallow to even think about holding the additional downpour water that the city got for this present month.

T Nagar was apparently the most exceedingly terrible hit zone inside the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) restricts in the current year's downpours. After it overflowed for the third time this month (keep going on 26 November), the area's inhabitants have brought up some sharp issues, boss among them being: "How did the Chennai Corporation manage the Rs 200 crore speculation under the Smart Cities Mission?" An unmistakable focal zone territory in the city, T Nagar made news when it was recognized for region based advancement under the Union Government's Smart Cities Mission. It was promoted to turn into Chennai's first model area. The GCC as a team with the Smart Cities Mission Ltd spent an aggregate of Rs !,,,

Symptoms of Omicron Variant "Very Mild", Different from Delta, Says South African Doctor Who Raised Alarm By JR report24  [Details]

While the world deals with the rise of the Omicron variation of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, Dr. Angelique Coetzee—the South African doctor who initially raised caution about the freak—said on Sunday that the manifestations brought about by it have been gentle up until this point. Peruse every one of the most recent reports on COVID-19 here. She additionally added that patients could be treated at home. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who is additionally the seat of the South African Medical Association, affirmed that the manifestations noted in the patients at her facility have been unique in relation to those brought about by different variations of concern (VOCs) like the Delta variation. This incorporates no reports of loss of smell or taste. Be that as it may, different appearances noticed are "exceptionally gentle". "The most dominating clinical protest is extreme weakness for a couple of days. With them, the migraine and the body throbs and torment," Dr. Coetzee told a media source. Indications Different from Other VOCs The distinguishing proof of the B.1.1.529 variation was reported on 25 November by South Africa's National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD). After a day, on 26 November, the World Health Organization (WHO) named the recently recognized variation as Omicron and assigned it as a VOC. Omicron was found in the examples gathered from the Gauteng Province of the country. Dr. Coetzee expressed that a patient announced at her facility on 18 November. He had been "very exhausted" for two days alongside migraines and body throbs. "Indications at that stage was a lot of identified with ordinary viral disease. Also, on the grounds that we haven't seen COVID-19 for the beyond eight to 10 weeks, we chose to test," she told Reuters. She added that the patient's family had additionally tried positive for COVID-19. Notwithstanding, more patients showed up at her facility introducing comparative manifestations. It was then that she perceived "something different continuing." Dr. Coetzee alarmed the NICD around the same time and furnished them with the clinical outcomes. From that point forward, she has been going to somewhere around a few such patients day by day. "We have seen a great deal of Delta patients during the third wave. Furthermore, this doesn't fit in the clinical picture," the doctor featured. Loss of Smell or Taste Absent Another significant perception made was that a portion of the side effects that are normal among patients experiencing COVID-19 brought about by other VOCs, for example, the Alpha or the internationally prevailing Delta variation were missing. At this point, none of the patients tainted with the Omicron variation have griped of ageusia (loss of taste) or anosmia (loss of smell). Fall in oxygen levels has been one of the most painstakingly checked crucial in people with COVID-19. In any case, Dr. Coetzee referenced that no huge drop in oxygen levels was seen in patients contaminated with the new variation. While there has been broad theory about the possible intensity of the sickness the variation instigates, the WHO pushed in its most recent update: "It isn't yet evident whether contamination with Omicron causes more extreme illness contrasted with diseases with different variations, including Delta." No Cause for Panic Concerning seriousness of the illness brought about by the variation, Dr. Coetzee expressed that the manifestations noted have been negligible up until this point. "The vast majority of them are seeing incredibly, gentle manifestations and not a solitary one of them so far have conceded patients to medical procedures. We have had the option to treat these patients moderately at home," she commented. In any case, in view of the survey of patients that she has treated up until now, Dr. Coetzee noticed that the vast majority of the people were 40 years of age or more youthful. In a meeting with CNBC, she said that she has taken care of patients who were a youthful as ten years of age. Likewise, almost 50% of the patients with Omicron-actuated manifestations were unvaccinated.

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